
Example of Written Communication:

Evaluation on Written Communication:
The example above demonstrates my writing ability. This would be a useful tool for any producer as they would need to be able to correctly articulate in a written format, the tasks that other members of the group must do, as well as the overall progression of the video game. However, in the first example I feel as though my writing was not as fluid as it could've been, and I went on a few too many tangents during my review. However, with the second example, I feel as though I did quite a good job conveying my point across.

Example of Verbal Communication:
An example of verbal communication would be in my Rick & Morty podcast.

Evaluation on Verbal Communication:
In this podcast I am seen talking about the television series Rick & Morty. I am also seen communicating with the guest on the podcast. I believe that I am clear and well spoken in this example. This is a crucial skill for any successful producer. This is because they will need to speak with their team in a clear and sophisticated manner to be able to give out tasks and keep the morale of the team high.

Example of Practice Production:
You can find an example of me putting my production role into practice in my Radio Show.

Evaluation on Practice Production:
During the production of my radio show I had the role of producer. This meant that I had to give my team clear instructions on what I wanted them to achieve and made sure to give them a new task every time they had completed their current one. This will give me good experience in the role of producer going into the video games unit as I will have to perform many of the same attributes that made my Radio Show a success.

Example of Creativity:
Evaluation of Creativity:
The example above is an example of my creative potential. I believe that this film poster is very well done and could easily be seen in the underground or displayed somewhere in public. This is a very useful skill for any successful producer as they will need to have a creative mindset to be able to aid their teammates with their tasks that are incomplete. 

Skills Gap:
